생활의 지혜

건강한 헤어(머리카락)를 위한 10가지 추천 식품 (10 Foods for Healthy Hair from Readers Digest) : 가자미(넙치), 꿀, 완두콩, 칠면조, 호두

ohmylove 2011. 4. 10. 16:37
건강한 헤어(머리카락)를 위한 10가지 추천 식품 <2>

안녕하세요. 리더스다이제트스트에서 건강한 머릿결을 위한 10가지 음식을 소개했습니다.
지난 번에는  아드보카트, 검은콩, 코코넛오일, 저지방우유, 달걀 5가지를 소개해드렸고,
이번에는 가자미(넙치), 꿀, 완두콩, 칠면조, 호두입니다.

6. Halibut

Seafood is a great way to stay slim and keep your heart healthy, and it can also benefit your hair. Halibut is full of more iron than other seafood, keeping your hair strong. Broil, bake, or grill this tasty fish for a great way to get the iron that your hair craves.

7. Honey

Not only will honey sweeten your tea, it can also add some sweetness and shine to your hair. Mix 2 tbsp of honey with 2/3 cup of olive oil, massage into hair and wrap with a warm towel for a half-hour, rinse with warm water. Although it may seem a little sticky, your hair will appreciate the sweet effort.

8. Peas

Peas provide an excellent way to get the carbohydrates and potassium that your hair needs to stay vibrant and strong. Although they contain more calories than other green vegetables, these nutrient-filled calories will keep you full and your hair at its healthiest.

9. Turkey

Full of lean protein, turkey is an excellent choice for iron, which makes for healthy, strong hair. With less calories and fat than beef, turkey can be eaten more frequently and that means more ways to get solid protein in your diet. Replace bacon with turkey bacon and throw a few turkey burgers on the grill for a lean, mean way to keep your hair strong.

10. Walnuts

An excellent source of Vitamin E, walnuts provide a crunchy and satisfying way to give your hair the oils it needs to stay full of shine and luster. But walnuts can also be used to replace expensive hair color treatments. Grind the nuts and boil in hot water, strain, cool and apply to your hair for 20 minutes. The walnut mixture will naturally keep the pigmentation in your hair, keeping those pesky grays at bay.

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