특히 사과 속 폴리페놀이라는 항산화성분은 수명을 연장시킬 수도 있는 것으로 나타났는데요, 연구팀은 "사과 속 폴리페놀이 평균 수명을 연장시킬 뿐 아니라 보행능과 계단을 오르는 능력및 이동하는 능력등을 개선시키며 고령 초파리에서 보이는 각종 생화학물질을 회복시킬 수도 있다"라고 강조했습니다.
원문을 보시죠.
Could apples hold the secret of longer life? Fruit found to prevent age-related deterioration
An apple a day could keep the undertaker away.
Scientists have linked the fruit with a longer life – at least in flies.
Fruit flies, which share many genes with humans despite their tiny size, were either fed normally or had an apple extract added.
Those fed normally lived an average of 50 days – five days fewer than those whose food was supplemented with apple, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports.
Healthy: The researchers, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believe that the antioxidants in the apple extract mopped up dangerous chemicals blamed for a host of ills, including ageing. (Pic posed by model)
Not only did the flies given the apple extract live ten per cent longer, they also found it easier to walk, climb and move about as they aged.
The apple extract also cut levels of various biochemicals found in older fruit flies and linked to age-related deterioration.
The researchers, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believe that the antioxidants in the extract mopped up free radicals – dangerous chemicals blamed for a host of ills, including ageing.
A spokesman for the American Chemical Society said: ‘The results, obtained with fruit flies – stand-ins for humans in hundreds of research projects each year – bolster similar findings on apple antioxidants in other animal tests.’
In another study, researchers who quizzed thousands of women about their diets found that those who regularly ate apples were 20 per cent less likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.
The apple’s genetic code has recently been cracked, paving the way for crunchier, juicier and healthier fruits.
Researchers are already using the information to grow red-fleshed apples bursting with antioxidants credited with keeping eyes and joints healthy and warding off heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes.
Apples that suppress appetite could also be in the pipeline, with the first ‘extra-healthy’ apples on supermarket shelves within just four to five years.
The decoding of the apple’s DNA by a team of almost 100 scientists from five countries has also shed new light on its roots.
The research suggests that around 65million years ago, the time when a comet is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs, the plant that would eventually give rise to the apple tree underwent a massive and rapid genetic change, in which many of its genes were duplicated.
The extra genes allowed the apple to adapt to tougher conditions and sent it along a different evolutionary path from peaches, strawberries and other related fruit.
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