생활의 지혜

건강한 헤어(머리카락)를 위한 10가지 추천 식품 (10 Foods for Healthy Hair from Readers Digest) : 아드보카트, 검은콩, 코코넛오일, 저지방우유, 달걀

ohmylove 2011. 4. 10. 16:29
건강한 헤어(머리카락)를 위한 10가지 추천 식품 <1>

안녕하세요. 리더스다이제트스트에서 건강한 머릿결을 위한 10가지 음식을 소개했습니다.
우선 첫번째 시간으로 아드보카트, 검은콩, 코코넛오일, 저지방우유, 달걀 5가지입니다.
두번째는 가자미(넙치), 꿀, 완두콩, 칠면조, 호두입니다.

1. Avocados

With over 25 vital nutrients, avocados pack a punch with Vitamins E and B. Replace your pricey conditioner with a ripe avocado and apply to wet hair after using your favorite cleanser and let it linger on your locks for a few minutes. Rinse throughly and you’ll have a clean, fresh, and shiny head of gorgeous hair.

2. Beans

Beans are a great source of vitamin B6 and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. Add black beans to your favorite Tex-Mex recipe or workday lunch for a vitamin and protein boost that will keep you and your hair shining throughout the day.

3. Coconut Oil

The ancient Indian practice of Ayurvedic medicine has relied on the power of coconut oil for centuries. Coconut oil is used as an anti-aging and stress relieving treatment - in addition to a miracle hair treatment. Massaging coconut oil throughout your hair just a few times per week can keep your hair free from dandruff, split ends, and hair-loss. Plus, the fresh coconut scent will instantly transport you to the beach - how’s that for stress relief?

4. Dairy

Not only does dairy build strong bones, but it also keeps your hair strong with calcium and Vitamins D and B12. Fill up on low-fat milk and cottage cheese to keep your gorgeous hair growing strong.

5. Eggs

Whether you like them scrambled, poached, over-easy, or sunny side up; eggs are an inexpensive way to get the protein you need to start your day off right. But did you know that you can skip the pricey organic shampoo for a natural egg shampoo that will cleanse your hair and give it a gorgeous luster? Massage egg yolks into your hair and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Your hair will be sparkling clean and your wallet will thank you.

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