* 이 자료는 절친한 친구 bblair가 모은 것입니다.
06/30/98 "The Poet and the Rose" by John Gay
06/29/98 "Rugby Chapel" by Matthew Arnold
06/26/98 "The Destruction of Sennacherib" by George Gordon, Lord Byron
06/25/98 "All Things Bright and Beauteous" by Cecil Frances Alexander
06/24/98 "Freedom" by Ambrose Bierce
06/23/98 "Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song"
06/22/98 "The Wanderer" by Zoë Akins
06/19/98 "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold
06/18/98 "The Ninety and Nine" by Elizabeth C. Clephane
06/17/98 "Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog" by Oliver Goldsmith
06/16/98 "Sir Joseph's Song" from H.M.S. Pinafore
06/15/98 "God Save the Flag" by Oliver Wendell Holmes
06/12/98 "A Farewell" by Charles Kingsley
06/11/98 "To Celia" by Ben Jonson
06/10/98 "For the Baptist", by William Drummond of Hawthornden
06/09/98 "Jim" by Hilaire Belloc
06/08/98 "On the New Forcers of Conscience Under the Long Parliament", by John Milton
06/05/98 "Sonnet 116" by William Shakespeare
06/04/98 "The Liberty and Requiem of an Imprisoned Loyalist" by Sir Roger L'Estrange
06/03/98 "in Just-" by E.E. Cummings
06/02/98 "The Farm Woman's Winter", by Thomas Hardy
06/01/98 "Cargoes" by John Masefield
05/29/98 "The Rolling English Road" by G.K. Chesterton
05/28/98 "The Revelation" by Coventry Patmore
05/27/98 "Absence" by Richard Jago
05/26/98 "On the Death of Mrs Bowes" by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
05/25/98 "Concord Hymn" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
05/22/98 "The Guards Came Through" by A. Conan Doyle
05/21/98 "Solitude" by Alexander Pope
05/20/98 "Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
05/19/98 "Now" by Robert Browning
05/18/98 "Leipzig" by Thomsas Hardy
05/15/98 "My life closed twice before its close" by Emily Dickinson
05/14/98 "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth
05/13/98 "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat" by Edward Lear
05/12/98 "The Sonnet" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
05/11/98 "The Heart of the Sour-dough" by Robert Service
05/08/98 "An Eternity" by Archibald MacLeish
05/07/98 "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning
05/06/98 "The Baby" by George McDonald
05/05/98 "Love's Trinity" by Alfred Austin
05/04/98 "L'Envoi" to The Poet's Town by John G. Neihardt
05/01/98 "The Mayor of Gary" by Carl Sandburg
04/30/98 "The Child on the Curbstone" by Elinor Wylie
04/29/98 "Winter Remembered" by John Crowe Ransom
04/28/98 "The Lamb" by William Blake
04/27/98 "I know not why, but all this weary day" by Henry Timrod
04/24/98 "Say not the struggle nought availeth" by Arthur Hugh Clough
04/23/98"The Man with the Hoe" by Edwin Markham
04/22/98 "The New Birth" by Jones Very
04/21/98 "Life" by Charlotte Brontë
04/20/98 "All in June" by William H. Davies
04/17/98 "Upon the Priory Grove" by Henry Vaughan
04/16/98 "Heaven" by Rupert Brooke
04/15/98 "The West Wind" by John Masefield
04/14/98 "O Captain! My Captain" by Walt Whitman
04/13/98 "The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins (part 2)
04/10/98 "Easter Wings", by George Herbert
04/09/98 "The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins
04/08/98 "Aubade", by William Davenant
04/07/98 "It is a beauteous evening" by William Wordsworth
04/06/98 "Loveliest of trees...", by A.E. Houseman
04/03/98 "The Holdfast", by George Herbert
04/02/98 "A Ballade of an Anti-Puritan", by G.K. Chesterton
04/01/98 "To Mistress Margaret Hussey", by John Skelton
03/31/98 "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell
03/30/98 "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe
03/27/98 "The Death of the Hired Man" by Robert Frost
03/26/98 "Terence, this is stupid stuff", by A.E. Houseman
03/25/98 "Annunciation" by John Donne
03/24/98 "For the Bed at Kelmscott" by William Morris
03/23/98 "The Walloping Window-Blind" by Charles Edward Carryl
03/20/98 Sonnet #70 from Amoretti, by Edmund Spenser
03/19/98 "Before an Examination" by Steven Vincent Benét
03/18/98 "Anthem for Doomed Youth" by Wilfred Owen
03/17/98 "The Lake Isle of Inisfree" by William Butler Yeats
03/16/98 "Alexander's Feast" by John Dryden
03/13/98 "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" by John Keats
03/12/98 "Bermudas" by Andrew Marvell
03/11/98 "Snow-Bound" by John Greenleaf Whittier
03/10/98 "A Wanderer's Song" by John Masefield
03/09/98 "Fill for me a brimming bowl" by John Keats
03/06/98"Ulysses" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
03/05/98 "Crossing the Bar" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
03/04/98 "The Sailor's Consolation" by Charles Dibdin
03/03/98 "On a Girdle" by Edmund Waller
03/02/98 "Clancy of the Overflow" by 'Banjo' Patterson
02/27/98 "The Sound of the Sea" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
02/26/98 "Ode" by Joseph Addison
02/25/98 "To plead my faith..." by Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex
02/24/98 "Sir Andrew Barton", a traditional ballad
02/23/98 "Adonais" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
02/20/98 "Songs of Seven", by Jean Ingelow
02/19/98 "The Yarn of the Nancy Bell" by William S. Gilbert
02/18/98 "Slow, slow, fresh fount" by Ben Jonson
02/17/98 "February" by Helen Hunt Jackson
02/16/98 "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray
02/13/98 "Nearer to Thee" by Sarah Flower Adams
02/12/98 "Lucifer in Starlight" by George Meredith
02/11/98 "An Anacreontick", by William Oldys
02/10/98 "Old Familiar Faces", by Charles Lamb
02/09/98 "Epitaph in a Church-Yard in Charleston, South Carolina", by Amy Lowell
02/06/98 "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love", by Christopher Marlowe
02/05/98 "The Goblin Market" by Christina Rosetti
02/04/98 "A Spring Song" by Mathilde Blind
02/03/98 "Song of the Chattahoochee" by Sidney Lanier
02/02/98 "Bronx" by Joseph Rodman Drake
01/30/98 "By the Statue of King Charles at Charing Cross" by Lionel Johnson
01/29/98 "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
01/28/98 "Drake's Drum" by Sir Henry Newbolt
01/27/98 Epilogue to Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
01/26/98 "I Shall Not Care" by Sara Teasdale
01/23/98 "Rhymes(?)" by Henry S. Leigh
01/22/98 "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron
01/21/98 "The Dying Words of Stonewall Jackson" by Sidney Lanier
01/20/98 "The Eve of St. Agnes" by John Keats
01/19/98 "To Helen" by Edgar Allan Poe
01/16/98 "The Spell of the Yukon" by Robert Service
01/15/98 "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats
01/14/98 "Smoke" by Henry David Thoreau
01/13/98 Sonnet #3 from Amoretti by Edmund Spenser
01/12/98 "Rose Aylmer" by Walter Savage Landor
01/09/98 "Verses on Sir Joshua Reynolds's Painted Window at New-College Oxford" by Thomas Warton
01/08/98 Shakespeare, Sonnet 122
01/07/98 "How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix" by Robert Browning
01/06/98 "The Harbor" by Carl Sandburg
01/05/98 "Time does not bring relief; you all have lied..." by Edna St. Vincent Millay
06/30/98 "The Poet and the Rose" by John Gay
06/29/98 "Rugby Chapel" by Matthew Arnold
06/26/98 "The Destruction of Sennacherib" by George Gordon, Lord Byron
06/25/98 "All Things Bright and Beauteous" by Cecil Frances Alexander
06/24/98 "Freedom" by Ambrose Bierce
06/23/98 "Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song"
06/22/98 "The Wanderer" by Zoë Akins
06/19/98 "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold
06/18/98 "The Ninety and Nine" by Elizabeth C. Clephane
06/17/98 "Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog" by Oliver Goldsmith
06/16/98 "Sir Joseph's Song" from H.M.S. Pinafore
06/15/98 "God Save the Flag" by Oliver Wendell Holmes
06/12/98 "A Farewell" by Charles Kingsley
06/11/98 "To Celia" by Ben Jonson
06/10/98 "For the Baptist", by William Drummond of Hawthornden
06/09/98 "Jim" by Hilaire Belloc
06/08/98 "On the New Forcers of Conscience Under the Long Parliament", by John Milton
06/05/98 "Sonnet 116" by William Shakespeare
06/04/98 "The Liberty and Requiem of an Imprisoned Loyalist" by Sir Roger L'Estrange
06/03/98 "in Just-" by E.E. Cummings
06/02/98 "The Farm Woman's Winter", by Thomas Hardy
06/01/98 "Cargoes" by John Masefield
05/29/98 "The Rolling English Road" by G.K. Chesterton
05/28/98 "The Revelation" by Coventry Patmore
05/27/98 "Absence" by Richard Jago
05/26/98 "On the Death of Mrs Bowes" by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
05/25/98 "Concord Hymn" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
05/22/98 "The Guards Came Through" by A. Conan Doyle
05/21/98 "Solitude" by Alexander Pope
05/20/98 "Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
05/19/98 "Now" by Robert Browning
05/18/98 "Leipzig" by Thomsas Hardy
05/15/98 "My life closed twice before its close" by Emily Dickinson
05/14/98 "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth
05/13/98 "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat" by Edward Lear
05/12/98 "The Sonnet" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
05/11/98 "The Heart of the Sour-dough" by Robert Service
05/08/98 "An Eternity" by Archibald MacLeish
05/07/98 "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning
05/06/98 "The Baby" by George McDonald
05/05/98 "Love's Trinity" by Alfred Austin
05/04/98 "L'Envoi" to The Poet's Town by John G. Neihardt
05/01/98 "The Mayor of Gary" by Carl Sandburg
04/30/98 "The Child on the Curbstone" by Elinor Wylie
04/29/98 "Winter Remembered" by John Crowe Ransom
04/28/98 "The Lamb" by William Blake
04/27/98 "I know not why, but all this weary day" by Henry Timrod
04/24/98 "Say not the struggle nought availeth" by Arthur Hugh Clough
04/23/98"The Man with the Hoe" by Edwin Markham
04/22/98 "The New Birth" by Jones Very
04/21/98 "Life" by Charlotte Brontë
04/20/98 "All in June" by William H. Davies
04/17/98 "Upon the Priory Grove" by Henry Vaughan
04/16/98 "Heaven" by Rupert Brooke
04/15/98 "The West Wind" by John Masefield
04/14/98 "O Captain! My Captain" by Walt Whitman
04/13/98 "The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins (part 2)
04/10/98 "Easter Wings", by George Herbert
04/09/98 "The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins
04/08/98 "Aubade", by William Davenant
04/07/98 "It is a beauteous evening" by William Wordsworth
04/06/98 "Loveliest of trees...", by A.E. Houseman
04/03/98 "The Holdfast", by George Herbert
04/02/98 "A Ballade of an Anti-Puritan", by G.K. Chesterton
04/01/98 "To Mistress Margaret Hussey", by John Skelton
03/31/98 "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell
03/30/98 "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe
03/27/98 "The Death of the Hired Man" by Robert Frost
03/26/98 "Terence, this is stupid stuff", by A.E. Houseman
03/25/98 "Annunciation" by John Donne
03/24/98 "For the Bed at Kelmscott" by William Morris
03/23/98 "The Walloping Window-Blind" by Charles Edward Carryl
03/20/98 Sonnet #70 from Amoretti, by Edmund Spenser
03/19/98 "Before an Examination" by Steven Vincent Benét
03/18/98 "Anthem for Doomed Youth" by Wilfred Owen
03/17/98 "The Lake Isle of Inisfree" by William Butler Yeats
03/16/98 "Alexander's Feast" by John Dryden
03/13/98 "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" by John Keats
03/12/98 "Bermudas" by Andrew Marvell
03/11/98 "Snow-Bound" by John Greenleaf Whittier
03/10/98 "A Wanderer's Song" by John Masefield
03/09/98 "Fill for me a brimming bowl" by John Keats
03/06/98"Ulysses" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
03/05/98 "Crossing the Bar" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
03/04/98 "The Sailor's Consolation" by Charles Dibdin
03/03/98 "On a Girdle" by Edmund Waller
03/02/98 "Clancy of the Overflow" by 'Banjo' Patterson
02/27/98 "The Sound of the Sea" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
02/26/98 "Ode" by Joseph Addison
02/25/98 "To plead my faith..." by Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex
02/24/98 "Sir Andrew Barton", a traditional ballad
02/23/98 "Adonais" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
02/20/98 "Songs of Seven", by Jean Ingelow
02/19/98 "The Yarn of the Nancy Bell" by William S. Gilbert
02/18/98 "Slow, slow, fresh fount" by Ben Jonson
02/17/98 "February" by Helen Hunt Jackson
02/16/98 "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray
02/13/98 "Nearer to Thee" by Sarah Flower Adams
02/12/98 "Lucifer in Starlight" by George Meredith
02/11/98 "An Anacreontick", by William Oldys
02/10/98 "Old Familiar Faces", by Charles Lamb
02/09/98 "Epitaph in a Church-Yard in Charleston, South Carolina", by Amy Lowell
02/06/98 "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love", by Christopher Marlowe
02/05/98 "The Goblin Market" by Christina Rosetti
02/04/98 "A Spring Song" by Mathilde Blind
02/03/98 "Song of the Chattahoochee" by Sidney Lanier
02/02/98 "Bronx" by Joseph Rodman Drake
01/30/98 "By the Statue of King Charles at Charing Cross" by Lionel Johnson
01/29/98 "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
01/28/98 "Drake's Drum" by Sir Henry Newbolt
01/27/98 Epilogue to Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
01/26/98 "I Shall Not Care" by Sara Teasdale
01/23/98 "Rhymes(?)" by Henry S. Leigh
01/22/98 "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron
01/21/98 "The Dying Words of Stonewall Jackson" by Sidney Lanier
01/20/98 "The Eve of St. Agnes" by John Keats
01/19/98 "To Helen" by Edgar Allan Poe
01/16/98 "The Spell of the Yukon" by Robert Service
01/15/98 "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats
01/14/98 "Smoke" by Henry David Thoreau
01/13/98 Sonnet #3 from Amoretti by Edmund Spenser
01/12/98 "Rose Aylmer" by Walter Savage Landor
01/09/98 "Verses on Sir Joshua Reynolds's Painted Window at New-College Oxford" by Thomas Warton
01/08/98 Shakespeare, Sonnet 122
01/07/98 "How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix" by Robert Browning
01/06/98 "The Harbor" by Carl Sandburg
01/05/98 "Time does not bring relief; you all have lied..." by Edna St. Vincent Millay
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